Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque accumsan est eu mollis aliquam. Etiam sit amet pharetra enim. Donec ut accumsan risus. Vivamus quis luctus lorem, id varius neque. Proin id mauris sed massa consectetur eleifend quis ultrices ipsum. Ut ex magna, pulvinar eget vulputate nec, fringilla faucibus ante. Sed interdum nec erat ac pharetra. Aenean urna elit, vehicula sit amet tortor vel, ultricies lobortis tortor. Nullam purus nunc, convallis vitae condimentum scelerisque, porttitor sed ligula. Nam eleifend, eros non tincidunt cursus, mi risus ultrices felis, eget sodales orci nibh eget nisi. Nullam feugiat nisl est, quis viverra urna porttitor id.

Nulla vel mauris odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin quis neque et libero blandit vestibulum quis sit amet odio. Phasellus sit amet massa sollicitudin, volutpat ante a, fermentum tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam molestie porta egestas. Cras at faucibus quam.

Pellentesque porttitor tortor ut sollicitudin viverra. Nullam non interdum enim, ac facilisis lectus. Pellentesque finibus augue in purus molestie posuere. Mauris nec blandit nunc, eu egestas orci. Proin tincidunt molestie sem ac eleifend. Duis ut felis vitae enim maximus dictum. Quisque accumsan quis orci nec vehicula. Ut eu velit interdum, fermentum mi vel, varius velit. Cras sed libero at enim auctor pulvinar nec eu nisi. In sit amet molestie eros, quis vehicula felis. Praesent a mollis nisl, vitae ultricies mi. Aliquam tempor metus sit amet lorem rutrum venenatis. Cras bibendum blandit neque, id venenatis magna fringilla sit amet.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to helping protect your personal and health information that you provide related to Energy For Wellness Center services. Personal information that may be used, either alone or in combination with other information, to identify an individual, including, but not limited to: a first & last name, personal information disclosed through the questionnaire, an email address and/or any other provided contact information.

The information gathered by Energy For Wellness is used and shared with the chosen or selected service provider only.

Any additional information collected, such as your testimonials or before/after pictures that you may provide, may be used for education and training purposes to help us better track the efficacy of this program. This information is governed by your consent and to protect your privacy, we may use only your initials in any promotional or statistical materials. By signing this form, you agree to the privacy policy terms as stated above.

Terms & Conditions

A membership at Energy For Wellness offers more affordable access to a wide range of wellness care services and products. It offers extra benefits of your regular wellness-care sessions through lower costs, discounts, and available exclusive members-only promotions. 

The membership is offered for a monthly fee of $ 60, at a minimum duration of 2 months. You can cancel anytime, with a 30-day notice from the renewal date.  

Payment: Membership is payable for the first 2-months, and on a monthly basis after that. The payment is charged on the same day each month. In case of a cancellation, your payment will stop after 30 days from your monthly Membership renewal date. For example, your membership starts on March 1, 2023, and will last until May 1, 2023. Should you cancel on April 1, your membership will be canceled on May 1, 2023. Should you cancel on April 15, your membership will be renewed on May 1, 2023, but no longer on June 1. 

Membership is open to anyone 18 years and older.

Cancelation Policy

To avoid a cancellation fee, please provide a cancellation notice at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

Please note that once you have booked your session with us, it means that we have reserved the time in our schedule exclusively for you. If you cancel your appointment less than 24 hours before it is scheduled, the cancellation fee of $ 40 may apply.

You can cancel or reschedule an appointment via email at appointment@e4wcenter.com, or call us at
(240) 442-1919.

Center Guest Policy

Please advise when making your booking if you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries, or allergies or if you have any special requests.

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